What Your Energetic Body Is Telling You When Making Decisions

Hello, beautiful souls. Are you having a hard time making decisions, feeling stuck, feeling overwhelmed, feeling hopeless? I'm going to share with you a few tips on how to make decisions, how to tune into your feminine energy to make decisions that feel good and honor you.

When making a decision, first ask yourself, “how do I feel? How does my body feel?” Be really honest with yourself. And, I break this energy that we feel down in three ways.

1.      Expansive

The first way is it feels expansive, and it feels exciting. For example, a girlfriend has asked you to go out for coffee and this really excites you. You feel really good. You will want to get off your chair and move. You will want to get ready for this. This is a soul yes.

 2.      Constricted

Then there is feeling constricted. So, if someone asked you to do something or you have something you need to do, and if you feel exhausted, it feels draining. Maybe it's hanging around certain people. Maybe it's your job, your relationship, or something very small, but pay attention to that energy of when it feels constrictive and tight. Your chest might feel tight, maybe your shoulders and your body starts to physically draw into itself, as a shield as a way of protecting itself. Maybe you feel really tired and just want to sleep. Pay attention to when that energy feels constrictive and tight.

 3.      Neutral

Then there's the neutral energy. You don't really feel anything. It could be doing everyday tasks, like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. This energy neither feels really exciting or really constructive. It just is what it is.


What I encourage people to do, is at the end of the day, write down everything you did for the day. You will want to draw an arrow next to each item. For example, if you took a bath, you're going to draw an up arrow, if this energy or task felt expansive. If you carpooled, and it was just okay, you will draw a neutral arrow. If a task is constrictive or overwhelming, you will draw a down arrow.

The point of doing this exercise is to start seeing where you can add more up arrows. At the end of the day, we all want to feel a sense of freedom, expansion, peace, joy. We want to discover and find more clarity around your decisions and how can you make decisions that feel good to you?

The key is to tune in on your body because your body is your guide. Your body is always guiding you home to it. It's really important that we pay attention to the messages and the divine wisdom that is coming from our body.

You can listen to my entire podcast about learning how to listen to your energetic body here:

I believe in you keep shining.


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