The moment I discovered my life purpose. And, three steps to discover yours.

We are each here for a divine purpose. Do you know what yours is?

Mine came to me when I was little. My Dad and I were walking through the grocery store on a Friday evening headed to the movie aisle to pick out a family movie. This was what we did on a Friday night. Order pizza and watch movies together. I loved Friday nights with my family.

I was wearing an Indian headband I made after discovering our family has Native American ancestry. I can still smell the brown leather band that wrapped around my head and hear the bulky colored beads that were tied with the precision of my ten-year-old fingers on the long strands of leather that clang together against my cheeks with every step I took. The leather headband was in no way stylish or cute. Looking back it kind of resembled how I viewed myself, shyly colorful with a side of socially awkwardness and wanting to be heard. But man, was I proud. I can still feel my dad's safe and warm presence next to me and the excitement of the fun Friday night we were about to all have. I loved knowing we could stay up late and there was no schedule to be had, just to be together and enjoy the weekend. I felt proud walking next to my dad. He supported everything we did and unconditionally loved us with no judgment. This man gives us full permission to be and express ourselves. Something I don’t take for granted knowing it’s not everyone’s experience. Growing up I watched him care for my disabled sister without ever complaining or wanting to be somewhere else in life. He taught me the power of the now. The power of I am right where I am meant to be. How do I know? Because I am here. “I am meant to care for your sister”, he would confidently say with this inner knowing that we all would feel and not question. I admired his “knowing”. He would say God gave him this role, to be a good dad to all of us, and that he will take care of us and provide care well into my sister’s adult years because that’s what God called him to do. Strangers can feel his pride in his divine calling as he speaks it every time into existence. To anyone else they understandably may have felt trapped in a life that can to the outside world feel like such confinement and hardship, but not him. His calling feels like freedom and purpose. Is it easy? Never! Often when we are following our life’s purpose we are met with many many many, did I say many challenges. Because we are required to evolve. And evolving takes actual work. It takes making changes to our mindset and to our life. As humans, change is extremely uncomfortable. We love security and playing it safe in life because our body and mind want to keep us safe. We want to stay comfortable. It challenges us to trust in ourselves. To trust in our purpose, the inner knowing. And to trust and lean into a higher power, Universe, God. But this challenge is what our soul signed up for.  As I walked next to him in the grocery store that day a huge wave of inner knowing overcame me and I thought I just want everyone to experience this feeling. I remember wanting to stand from the top of a mountain to share this message with everyone. I want everyone to feel this inner knowing—the knowing so powerful within ourselves that it must be coming from a higher source. I want everyone to be who they are with no holding back. I want everyone to feel this clear and confident. I felt so safe in my body. Safe in my existence. Connected. Connected to a source higher than me, that’s within me. This must be how my dad feels. I thought this needs to be taught. We are not taught this as littles. We are taught to listen. To listen to every outside noise. Listen to your teachers, and your parents, Listen in school and Church. But no one teaches us to listen to how we feel. Listen to what and how you feel in your body. People need to remember who they are and have support. I have always felt that we are born with such clarity and self-awareness and then life takes over. We can feel lost. But we are never truly lost, we just forget. Life has its way of clouding what we know to be true sometimes. In that one single moment, everything became so clear to me. If there could be a moment of impact in life that would transform us, this would be mine. I have remembered that feeling my whole life. It was profound. The feeling I felt, felt like words from God. I felt Him speak to me, this is your life’s work. I understood what my dad felt with his inner knowing. His path was not always an easy one, as most times they have many challenges because we are called to rise and evolve as we grow into our purpose. My life’s mission is to help people come back home to themselves. To feel safe and confident in their bodies. To teach others to be able to hear the messages that they receive. To feel the clarity, confidence, and divine connection to themselves and life and to discover yourself. This is who I am. I am here to help you to come back home to you.

Meditation has been a HUGE tool for me in my growth and sharing it with others. I hear ALL the time “I can’t meditate I can’t sit still and my brain never shuts off”.  And I say perfect. That’s all of us. To me, meditation is about BEING with all the feelings, emotions, and present moment. Being with the racing anxious thoughts of the to-do lists and daily stressors. Sure, a huge benefit to meditation is clearing our minds. But first, we need to get there. We need to allow ourselves to feel and not distract ourselves. You owe yourself your own time. The time to connect with you and your higher power. To me, being with ourselves and not distracting is transformative. Here are three ways meditation can help you discover your own life purpose:

  1. Self-awareness: Meditation provides a space for inner exploration and self-reflection. By quieting the mind and tuning into your inner world, you can access deeper levels of consciousness and awareness. Through regular meditation practice, you may uncover insights, desires, and passions that resonate with your soul's calling. Meditation allows you to sift through the noise of everyday life and connect with the core values and aspirations that define your purpose.

  2. Clarity and Intuition: Meditation cultivates clarity of mind and enhances your ability to listen to your intuition. As you develop a regular meditation practice, you become more attuned to your inner guidance system and the subtle whispers of your soul. Through moments of stillness and silence, you can discern the whispers of your heart and the gentle nudges of your intuition, guiding you toward your true purpose. Meditation helps quiet the chatter of the mind and allows you to tap into a deeper knowing that transcends logic and rationality.

  3. Alignment and Authenticity: Meditation fosters a sense of alignment and authenticity by bringing your thoughts, feelings, and actions into harmony with your soul's purpose. As you delve into deeper states of meditation, you may experience moments of profound insight and realization about who you are and what you're meant to do in this world. By aligning with your true self and honoring your unique gifts and talents, you can live a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Meditation helps you strip away the layers of conditioning and societal expectations, allowing you to embrace your authenticity and live in alignment with your soul's deepest truths.

Meditation has helped me deal with and transform my anxiety and worries that life brings to us daily. It serves as a powerful tool for self-discovery and soulful exploration. By engaging in regular meditation practice, you can uncover your soul's life purpose, cultivate clarity and intuition, and live a life that is deeply aligned with your authentic self.

If you feel called to dive deeper into your own self-discovery and to find inner clarity and inner knowing join me every Sunday for a live virtual meditation class where I will guide you.

“The wisdom of your soul knows the way, trust in it.” Unknown

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I believe in you. Keep shining,

Angela Rose


A Year of Sacred Self-Love


Does your dream not feel BIG enough?