Trusting in life
Oh, how life has been shifting! I've been feeling this huge shift for the past 3 years. Sitting uncomfortably in the unknown, for years! and you all know I love the masculine energy of knowing life's details. I also love the feminine energy of flow, safety, and feeling comfortable and relaxed. As you can imagine like many of you I've been feeling this tug of war between feeling both excited about the unknown and also torture of just wanting to know already.
But like always, God has his plans. He knows he literally needs to B slap me sometimes to listen. I'm stubborn, it's the true Taurus way. So here we are. In the last 2 months, I've "heard" his message speak to my spirit so loudly that I couldn't pretend to not hear it. It felt big. I'm listening. I'm acting. I'm building momentum because there's no such thing as luck. It's alignment. It's self-love. When I'm aligned by listening and doing I become a magnet to my purpose. This feels like bliss. I haven't necessarily seen what my heart desires...yet. But I'm on the right path. I know because I can feel it. I'm stepping on each stepping stone with a solid knowing and with a soul yes. They say it's about the journey, not the destination and I feel that. In 2 months I've lost 20 pounds because I'm loving myself more than I ever have. I experienced being the sickest I've ever been and again, heard another message "You can do this". I overcame a huge fear of being alone and sick. I saw how I could stay with myself and saw my inner strength. I made boundaries and other decisions about doing what was best for my soul. Like Glennon Doyle says, “We are no longer abandoning ourselves.” The mental strength that comes when you make promises to yourself and keeps them has created this mental strength that feels unstoppable.
I want everyone to feel this way. Don't get me wrong, I will never stand and say I m the one that got off the roller coaster of life and emotions. No. I am human. You are human. And together we will always experience life's roller coasters ups and downs. Sometimes on a minute-by-minute basis. But what I have learned is tools to not stay in the lows, as long. I'm practicing mental strength to be able to pull myself back up when I feel low. The only certain thing about life is uncertainty.
So here we are. Together, guiding each other home to become who we wanted to be here on this earth. Thanks to everyone who has shared this journey with me. Love to you all. and may we all feel that it's ok to be who we are. Without having to change anything about ourselves. Because this is true love for ourselves. I love me 20 pounds heavier with fewer boundaries, more fear, and the over-giver because she was the designer who designed this part of me now. She's the little girl and I'm the adult version of her. Because even if it doesn't feel like it we are whole just as we are now. One of my favorite memories growing up was looking through my grandma's clothes and jewelry. I would look and imagine for hours. Untangling all the kinks and meshed-up pieces stuck together. We are like that. We get to decide who we want to show up as and we get to decide that we are a whole and beautifully made gold necklace that just got tangled up for a bit. She's still perfect. She still has charm, grace, and unique elegance. Cheers to discovering more of ourselves every day and becoming our own best soul mates. You are a rare gem.
I believe in you!
Keep shining
Angela Rose